4.5 布景真是太好了,还有凯撒在黑暗中醒来的特写。昨晚我梦见自己看了“奥拉克之手”,当看到“卡里加里”的最后一幕,才惊觉自己昨晚梦见的其实是名为奥拉克之手的卡里加里博士的小屋。仿似以往做过的每一个噩梦。
I was not scared by the film, although it is the first thriller in the world. In the past, films lacked voice so that directors could only express information by image and actors’ performance. In Caligari, it seemed that people were walking in a expressionism paint. In fact, it was a picture in the mind of a paranoid person. Amazing.